Main Characters!
Here are where I'll be putting the main characters for my game. This consists of player characters and NPC's that appear often. I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum in case my players see this. Also any pictures below are by one of my incredible players except for the Marion pic! If they want I'll update with any links they want!

Marion is the Malkavian of the group, she has a firmer grasp on reality than most of her clan, but that doesn't say much. She was embraced in the late 1800s during an attack by a mysterious kindred on her and her fiance in france. While her fiance sadly passed, during the fight some of the attackers blood dropped into her mouth allowing her to become a kindred. Since then she has traveled the world with her newest home being New Orleans. Here she operated a club until a hostile takeover by the ventrue. She also recently (for a kindred) got a new husband, Ezra, who assists her in many ways. She embraced him as well and they currently are trying to find a better way to make money and continue this lifestyle.

Elias is the groups toreador, he was embraced sometime in the 1920s in NYC. Although he doesn't mind being a kindred he absolutely hates his sire, a manipulating high-profile man who Elias ran away from. Although he is toreador he doesn't do much art these days. Instead he makes a living as a male escort and feeds on willing victims. Recently he started flirting with a gangrel named Ciaran, nicknamed bat-boy for his ability to transform into a bat. Not much has come of this yet but who knows how it will turn out by the end.

Lilith is the resident tremere of the coterie. Socially inept and a little weird to most, she is also the resident academic. Currently collecting information for her sire, a man named V.M. Arnaud. Her sire was her professor for years until she got too close to discovering the existence of vampires. He gave her the choice between death and eternal life, you can guess which she chose. She is the only practitioner of magic in the coterie and tends to go for non-lethal methods. Despite her social blunders she has recently attracted the attention of a toreador who found her collection of rat skulls intriguing.
Ben was a second inquisition corporal who was forcefully turned into a ghoul by Marion and Lilith, much to Elias' protests. While Ben still works for the SI he acts as somewhat of a mole, obfuscating where the main coterie is to try and protect his new master. While officially only Marion is in control of him he has been ordered to never attack or willingly attempt to harm Lilith or Elias.
Originally a scottish immigrant he was turned shortly after arriving in America, he spent much of his time wandering the country and eventually settled in New Orleans. He has recently been involved in some shadier activities but has not revealed to the coterie what these activities are. He has also opened up for the first time in decades to Elias. Recently they had their first date (although it was interrupted fairly quickly).
Ezra aka Boytoy
Ezra is Marion's husband, and is deeply devoted to her. Even going as far as allowing her to drink his blood (technically against the camarilla's rules). While he doesn't have much of a personality, he is incredibly useful to the group. Being a wall of muscle with many abilities that help him in combat has made him the de facto bodyguard of the coterie.
Morena Vitello
Current leader of clan toreador, she is cunning enough to destroy anyones social standing while being strong enough to cut any foes down who underestimate her. Not much is known of her background, although judging by her accent she is from somewhere in Italy. She seems to be good friends with the Prince of New Orleans as she recently became the city's harpy, although accepting this position made her have to step back from her clan duties. Instead of doing the usual methods to determine the clan leader (who is the oldest member, fights to the death, etc.) she has decided to make it a literal popularity contest. Her toreador background comes through with her paintings, creating masterpieces in numerous styles.
Danguar aka Dan Glower aka Daniel Glowers aka Dan Flower
A young nosferatu who is quickly becoming the go-to person in his clan. Espionage, hacking, tracking, you name it and he can do it. While not much is known of his past, he has let slip that he was an orphan. He and the coterie seem to be good friends, as he gives them discounted rates and will turn to them in a crisis (even though they can't remember his name). He is extremely loyal to the clan leader and aspires to one day lead the clan himself.
The Prince
Currently not much is known about the prince, unlike many other leaders of cities he stays in the shadows. Preferring simply to control everything without pesky oversight or morality getting in the way. He is confirmed to be malkavian and thus makes decisions seemingly at random. The current theory by the coterie is that he is Marion's sire, but all will be revealed soon.