Welcome to the schrecknet 3.0

This is where I'll be putting recaps, characters I've made (PC and NPCs), and anything else I make for my game.

A quick intro to Vampire the Masquerade

Vampire the Masquerade is a gothic horror TTRPG where players play as Vampires (or kindred). The system is simpler imo than stuff like DnD or CoC but does take some getting used to. The game is over 2 decades old now and has kept a cult following for most of its life, both through playing the TTRPG or through LARPing. I do need to say that there are parts of the game that have not aged well, although these have largely been omitted from the core books and instead are only offered in side material when there is popular demand for them.

The company who makes Vampire the Masquerade has also made many other TTRPGs set in the same world, the world of darkness. These include games about werewolves, fae, mummies, mages, and the hunters of all these supernatural entities.

Recap of the most recent session

The coterie went to a party hosted by toreador clan leader Morenna Vitello, while they were busy navigating ettiquite Morena revealed that she was retiring as clan leader and becoming the harpy of New Orleans. Using a literal popularity contest to decide the new clan leader, with results being found out in 1 week. After this announcement she talked to Elias and revealed a special guest for the night was his sire! She apparently did not know of the frought relationship between them. Once his sire arrived Elias was quickly cornered in a remote part of the home and was compelled by his sire to return to New York with him using a blood bond. Marion through some quick thinking caused a distraction, letting Elias flee into the bayou with Ciaran in close pursuit (in bat form). On the way out Marion had a note slipped into her pocket but did not realize this until after they had left. The note simply said an address with the signature "your sire".