Welcome to my TTRPG section!

This is where I'll be putting recaps, characters I've made (PC and NPCs), and anything else I make for my games! Feel free to use anything I created for any of your home games!

Current Games

  • Vampire the Masquerade 5e Nearly finished
  • Avatar Legends Currently planning it out
  • Future Games

  • Apocalypse Keys
  • Monster of the Week
  • My philosophy on running TTRPG's

    Everyone has different styles of running TTRPG's. Some people play them with hard rules, enforcing carry weight on everything, making people get ingredients for even the smallest thing (and not allowing them to just say they would have gotten them). Others go extremely loose with the rules, allowing almost anything as long as people have fun. I am between the middle and the looser following of the rules. While I can overlook people forgetting smaller things, I wont allow people to just do whatever they want. It hurts the story if you allow everything, but it also hurts it if you make people describe every single detail.

    Newest Update

    Added this page and will be adding everything I currently have for my VTM campaign

    My Players

    A quick gush about my players, I have the best group possible. All 3 of them buy in so quickly to the world and find clever solutions to so many challenges I throw at them. They all understand their characters so well and have some of the best in character conversations out of any group I've played with. But this is all too general so I'll talk about each of them while keeping anonymity a priority.

    A- She always buys in to the world so well and looks into lore that barely comes up in the game! Her characters have a more comedic edge to them but they always seem so genuine. She is who I can rely on to help keep track of sessions. She also keeps track of the main goals for the session whenever the group gets sidetracked, truly a GM's best resource. I met her for vtm but she has quickly become someone who I am glad to call my friend :)

    G- They have been my friend for almost 5 years now, and I can confidently say my life is all the better for the time I've known them. We have played many ttrpgs together as well as lived together for a year! I can rely on them to create characters that throw me off my feet, whether it be a child who is revealed to be an eldritch entity, or a twink vampire who rejects much of his clans culture.

    H- An incredible writer outside of our games, she creates such incredible backstories using the worldbuilding already laid out. She started playing ttrpgs with my vtm game and grasped it so quickly! She also plays her characters so well, incorporating their faults and their strengths while making them feel incredibly unique. She also makes so many visuals for her characters, mostly outfits but also makeup!